Community Services
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office strives to develop community service programs that promote safety and well-being for the citizens of the Louisville Metro area.
Be Thumbody Child I.D. Program
This unique and inexpensive approach to child identification was conceived by one of our own deputies. Using a child’s thumbprint only on a 3 X 5 card that contains other basic identifying information, our deputies thumbprint over 13,000 area children every year at schools, churches, civic events, shopping malls, and the annual Kentucky State Fair.
We encourage parents and guardians to enter all identifying information in pencil so that it can be easily up-dated as the child’s statistics change. There is also a place for the parent to place a current, color photograph, that we recommend to be up-dated every 6 months during the child’s formative years. If your school, church or organization would like to schedule a Thumbody ID program, please call 502-574-5443 for details.
PARTNER 911 (People At Risk Today, Needing Emergency Response)
This program provides free cell phones to people in our community who live in an at-risk situation. Supported by TRAID, donated cell phones with chargers are re-programmed to dial 911 only.
The phones are delivered by uniformed, on-duty deputies to victims of domestic violence, elderly, abused or to those who have disabilities.
If you have a cell phone, (and charger), to donate, or if you or someone you know is at risk, and in
need of a PARTNER-911 phone - please call our office at: 574-5443.
* All calls are confidential *
Got Drugs?
Do you have prescription drugs that are out dated or are no longer needed? Are you looking for a way to dispose of them in a safe and legal manner?
The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office has the solution.
Located at 531 Court Place, on the 6th floor the Sheriff's Office has a drug disposal collection box that is accessible to the public for disposal of prescription drugs Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Please, no needles or liquids.
Fatal - Vision
website: Fatal - Vision
Fatal-Vision is a program we offer to both high school age and older. This program helps promote safe driving and drug and alcohol awareness. Through the use of two sets of special goggles, the participant’s vision is increasingly impaired much the same as it would be if they were using drugs or alcohol.
While wearing the goggles, the participant is asked to perform some simple tasks. Placing a cup of water on the corner of a table, walking a straight line, dribbling a basketball, etc. This program provides "fun with a purpose" and is very popular at area high schools.