Sex Offender Search
The Sheriff's office provides resources and information regarding sex offenders search options and parental information.
Links and Resources
Sex Offender Searches
Kentucky State sex offender search & Alert Line The Kentucky State Police provides sex offender registration information to the public through this website. The intent of this site is to promote public safety and awareness by alerting possible victims of potential danger. The state's SOR database is updated on a daily basis.
The Sex Offender Alert Line is an easy way for parents, school personnel, day care workers and any citizen to get notified if a threat moves into their area.
Sex Offender Searches
A nationwide sex offender search Family Watchdog’s mission is to build awareness of nearby threats by providing accessible and accurate sex offender location information through their easy-to-use mapping interface which covers all states. The information found on their site is updated on a daily basis to ensure that the data is as current as the states from which they receive their sex offender data.
Safety Tips
Children are particularly vulnerable to sex offenders. Open communication between parents and children is vital to family safety. If a picture is available from the Sheriff's website, show it to your family. In general terms, tell your children that this person has hurt someone before. Explain to them that they should stay away from this individual. Avoid scary details. The purpose behind community notification is to reduce the chance of future victimization by better informing the public.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is it a matter of time before the offender commits another crime?
- While there is no way that anyone can accurately predict the future behavior of another person, past behavior is in indication of whether an individual, or group, poses a higher risk to the public. Not all offenders will commit another crime; however, knowledge of a potential risk should assist you and your family in avoiding situations that allow for easy access to victims.
- What do I tell my children about known offenders in our area?
- DON'T accept a ride from this person. DON'T go into their home or yard. Tell your parents if this person offers you toys, money or gifts.
This information is meant to educate you about offenders in Jefferson County. It has not been made available for you to take action against any individual. Any action against an offender which is determined to be a violation of law will subject the violator to arrest and prosecution.